Min Kim
Min is a passionate lover of correct movement and alignment of the body and has a mission to help others be able to move well. She started dancing when she was in middle school and continued her journey at an art high school, then received her Master’s degree in Dance Education, and taught dance and movement at a university and private academy in Korea.
Min’s passion for movement led her to the world of Pilates, and to PilatesITC where she achieved her Diploma in Pilatesint 2017. She is currently completing the Advanced Diploma Pilates in Sydney, while also teaching and directing several studio businesses.
Min fell in love with Pilates for its versatility and ability to enhance our physical and mental health. Min’s desire to study movement in depth led her to pursue the musculoskeletal system more thoroughly by undertaking the Diploma of Remedial Massage and Advanced Diploma of Myotherapy. She also studied the GYROTONIC® method for more about movement and has also been teaching this method. She loves sharing her knowledge to help people through teaching.
Min also holds Certificate IV in Training & Assessment and delivers government accredited Pilates teacher training education, as well as teaching clients with a range of conditions and conditioning needs.
Min is the founder and director of several studios across Sydney with her own business and brand, Wellness Pilates Sydney.
Min 선생님은 무브먼트에 대한 열정이 가득한 강사입니다. 중학생때 무용을 시작하여 한국에서 예술고등학교를 졸업하고 무용교육으로 석사 학위를 받아 대학교에서 강사로 일하며 발레 학원을 운영하였습니다.
무브먼트에 대한 열정은 Min 선생님을 필라테스의 세계로 이끌었습니다. 우리의 몸과 마음을 건강하게 만들어주는 필라테스의 매력에 빠져 한국과 호주에서 디플로마를 마쳤으며 어드밴스드 디플로마 코스에 들어가있습니다. 필라테스 지도자 과정을 가르치고 있으며 다양한 질환을 가진 클라이언트를 지도하고 있습니다.
근골격계에 대해 더 전문적으로 탐구하고자 레메디얼 마사지 디플로마와 마요테라피 어드밴스드 디플로마도 취득했습니다. 자이로토닉 메소드도 공부하여 더 다양하고 깊이 있는 무브먼트 지식과 경험을 쌓아 강사로 일하고 있습니다.
현재 시드니에서 스튜디오를 운영중입니다 – Wellness Pilates Sydney
Min 喜歡研究運動促使她通過治療按摩文憑和肌肉療法高級文憑了解肌肉骨骼系統。她還研究了 GYROTONIC ® 體系也把她最了解的教給學生。她喜歡分享她的知識,也通過教學幫助學生。
Min 在悉尼經營普拉提工作室 – Wellness Pilates Sydney