Marisa Traino
Marisa has over 18 years of clinical experience gained from public and private hospitals as well as private practice. For more than half of her career, she has specialised as a certified hand therapist, physiotherapist and more recently Pilates Instructor, providing management-level contributions to team and profession across hand therapy, musculoskeletal conditions, trauma, women’s health, exercise and research practices. She has supervised undergraduate physiotherapy university students and physiotherapists, leading Hand Therapy and Fracture Clinics. Marisa has co-developed, coordinated and delivered a public hospital clinical course, and is a recognised competency assessor (CEWD Wound Management).
Marisa’s career focus has been on maximising rehabilitation following musculoskeletal trauma, she is a strong advocate for Women’s health as an Antenatal Educator (previously at a large tertiary NSW metropolitan hospital). She has worked with various surgical specialisations – Orthopaedic, Plastics & Reconstructive, Pain Management, Gastrointestinal, Colorectal, Rheumatological, Oncology, Urology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Intensivists (ICU) to bring this combined knowledge to bridge the gap between early rehabilitation to long term exercise fitness goal recovery.
Qualifications & Certifications
- Bachelor Applied Science (Physiotherapy, University of Sydney)
- Accredited Hand Therapist (Australian Hand Therapy Association)
- Certified Hand Therapist (Hand Therapy Certification Commission (USA))
- Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction (91491NSW, 2014), Pilates International Training Centre (PITC)
- Lymphoedema Training & Education Group (NSW)- Level 1 Lymphoedema Therapist (2014)
Find Marisa at Mend & Move